Love & Hate – Hugo Spritz

As summer has officially begun, let’s take a look at the elements that are awesome about this period each year, as well as the features that totally suck about it. First, let’s give some love to the season:


Not much will ever beat floating in the pool with a drink in hand on a hot summer day. Having access to a pool my entire life has been special. Watching the Sipplings enjoy the pool as much as I did growing up will make me all the more sad when it’s gone. I do not look forward to the time when the Sip Family will have to search for alternatives to cool down.

Outdoors Activities… Particularly Drinking

No longer are we cooped up inside, stuck in front of the glorious TV, simply because we have nothing better to do. Now, we’re able to enjoy some fresh air and play. One of my favourite outdoor activities is drinking (big shock, right!?). Whether on or in a balcony, patio, porch, park, playground, etc., I’m ready for it all.


Women’s Wear

The summer season brings out the best in women’s fashion and I’m here for the ogling. Mrs. Sip has an entire closet of sexy dresses… and let’s not even get into the teeny bikinis! The heat of this period often results in minimal clothing, which is also a plus for the Sip Advisor!

Better Moods

People just generally seem to be happier in the summer. Maybe it’s the increased vitamin D we’re getting naturally from the sun. Whatever is helping people with their mental health, it should be embraced.

Lighter Traffic

Throughout the summer, traffic is lighter, thanks to folks going on vacation and schools being out. Unfortunately, traffic snarls still exist, but they don’t seem as heavy as during the other seasons of the year.


Lack of Kids Activities

Mrs. Sip and I definitely breathe a sigh of relief at the end of each school/activity calendar. We try not to have the Sipplings booked into many things throughout the summer, so we can recharge the batteries for the next year.

Barbecues and Picnics

If there’s one thing the Sip Advisor loves similarly to good drinking, it’s good eating. The summer provides ample opportunity for wonderful feasts. I definitely eat my share of burgs, dogs and sandos throughout the season, not to mention all the wonderful side dishes that accompany these mains. Can’t forget dessert, which offers everything from cookies to pie to ice cream.

While summer is the preferred season of many, there’s reasons why others dread the period. Here are some elements to hate from June to September:


This is the most obvious complaint about summer. I’m lucky to live in a place with generally mild temperatures throughout the year – it never really gets too cold or too hot – but we still have times where the heat can be suppressive. Because we live in a mild climate part of the world, most don’t bother with air conditioning and are at the mercy of fans to keep cool during the hottest days of the year.



The Sip Advisor is a mild sweater and that gets exacerbated during the summer. I’m always paranoid that armpit or back sweats are becoming visible to everyone, especially if I’m forced to wear heavier clothing for work or other activities. Chafing, resulting from sweating, can be really painful. I wish the heat didn’t lead to these maladies.

Pressure to do Outdoors Stuff

At all times, there’s an overwhelming pressure to be doing countless activities with your kids. That only ramps up during the summer, as you become their sole outlet for good times and the nice weather makes them want to be outdoors all the time. Boy Sip, in particular, wants to go, go, go and needs a fair bit of action to calm his motor.


Mozzies, as the Aussies like to call them, are vile little creatures. Worse than their buzzing around you and bites are the itch sessions they create if they do get you. Almost as bad as mosquito attacks are any product that’s been released claiming to ward off these insects. Other bugs that aren’t fun to have around are bees, hornets and wasps. You’re also more likely to walk into spider webs during the summer.


Sports Offerings and Radio Listening

I live in a hockey mad market. When the sport is in off-season, there are few others I’m even remotely interested in. I also listen to a lot of sports talk radio when doing all the driving I’ve been tasked with. During the summer, I’m more likely to hear a baseball game I don’t care at all about, rather than the info-tainment I prefer.

Uncomfortable Nights in Bed

Each summer night, the thought of going to bed is practically stress-inducing. I typically sleep with no covers on and only put a comforter over my body if I awake in the middle of the night and am now cold. The only good thing about the sleeping heat is Mrs. Sip may get liberal with her nighttime attire.

Using Sunscreen

While I understand the need for sunscreen, applying the stuff really is awful. Nowadays, we also have to lather our kids up, so there’s so much more sunscreen being used. Thankfully, they now have more options than were available when I was a wee little sipper, but the improvements haven’t been drastic enough. I guess it’s still better than the sunburn alternative.


Too Much Air Conditioning

As much as A/C can be a godsend, sometimes you grow tired of it. In the family vehicle, it seems to pump all summer long. It can also be extremely chilling going from oppressive outdoor heat into frosty stores and restaurants, to the point where you regret not bringing a light jacket with you.

Road Work

An old Jeff Foxworthy joke says that Canada’s four seasons of the year are almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction. I get why so much road work occurs during the summer, as it presents the best opportunity to get stuff done in the most ideal weather, but couldn’t things be staggered a little more? Nowadays, no matter which route you take, you’re likely to come across some delay due to construction.

Wildfires and Smoke

While we don’t live in an area that is prone to wildfires, we like to travel there (Kelowna, B.C.) on occasion and became closely involved in a rapidly moving wildfire last summer that made our last night stay and morning departure more tense than it otherwise would have been. The smoke from these fires does eventually make its way to our area and causes closed doors and windows, despite higher temperatures. It also eliminates opportunities for the kids to expel some energy with outdoor activities.

Road Work

Overpriced Travel

Prior to kids, Mrs. Sip and I always did our best to travel in off-season times. Now, as parents, that is much more difficult to achieve, unless we take the kids away from their schools and activities. This means paying more for flights, accommodations and attractions, while being surrounded by all the people who are forced to do the same. I miss the days when we could avoid much of this.

Back to School

In recent years, it seems kids have just begun their summer vacations when back to school promotions start. Can’t the youngsters – and their parents – enjoy a couple weeks of bliss, before turning their minds to the impending doom of September?

Love & Hate: Hugo Spritz

Hugo Spritz

  • 2 oz Elderflower Liqueur
  • Top with Prosecco
  • Splash of Club Soda
  • Garnish with Mint Leaves

So many summer drinks involve Prosecco, including this member of the Spritz family. Some other irritations of summer include going to the beach, being stuck inside for work or other nefarious reasons, lawn mower noise, manure smell, and overheated cars. What do you love or hate about the season?