Cocktail Corner – Breakfast of Champions

Today, the Sip Advisor will discuss his favourite animals to eat. If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, you will probably not like this article and I get that. As a card carrying member of the carnivore club, though, I also don’t care. Here are my preferred meals from the animal kingdom:


In recent years, I’ve really become fond of duck dishes. One restaurant we frequented a couple years back did a tremendous Duck & Fig Pizza, which began my appreciation for the meat. Since then, I’ve been quick to notice when other menus offer duck and also quick to order.



Not much beats a lobster tail with hot butter, especially if it has been prepared to be easily removed from its shell. Lobster Rolls can also be delicious, even when offered by McDonald’s. Other shellfish that didn’t make the list, but deserve mentioning, including crab and crayfish.


For some reason, when the Sip Advisor was a wee little one, I didn’t like ground beef. Thankfully, that has changed and I now crave the stuff, crumbled on nachos, pizza, pasta, fries, you name it. I’m also an avid burger lover and, on occasion, a medium-rare serving of steak hits the spot.



I love all things chicken, from fingers to wings (preferably boneless, but beggars can’t be choosers) and breasts to thighs. There doesn’t seem to be a single part of the chicken that doesn’t taste good. Basically, if you can bread and fry it, I’ll probably eat it. Without chicken dishes, I may not have made it out of my childhood healthy.


Bacon… that’s it. Seriously, does anything more need to be said? I will say more though, because items like pulled pork, breakfast sausage, prosciutto, pepperoni, and pork chops deserve mentioning. The only pig product that gives me pause is ham, but I do love a good Hawaiian pizza.

Cocktail Corner: Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast of Champions

  • 1.5 oz Crown Royal Whiskey
  • 0.5 oz Jagermeister
  • Dashes of Angostura Bitters
  • Top with Orange Juice
  • Garnish with a Bacon Skewer

While the recipe calls for using Crown Royal Maple, I used my Crown Royal Texas Mesquite bottle instead. Narrowly missing the cut for my favourite animals to eat would be turkey, cod/haddock/halibut, salmon, lamb, and veal. In the next Cocktail Corner, I will delve into the most unique animals I’ve had the chance to nibble!

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