Cocktail Corner – She’s Paying

Let’s be honest, nobody really likes paying for anything, but it’s a necessary evil of our society. Here are some things in particular the Sip Advisor hates having to pay for:

Sauces at Eateries

You ever complete a food order and ask for some packets of ketchup or something, and the place tells you that will cost extra? I also hate when you’re at a place and they give you the tiniest little sauce container and upon asking for more, you get dinged some silly charge. The Sip Advisor is a sauce guy, through and through, so if I ever ran a joint, I’d offer up as much of the good stuff as a customer needed to complete their meal.

Unnecessary Tips

First and foremost, I believe in all workers making a living wage and appreciate places like Australia, where servers and others don’t need to rely on tips. I’m tired of places like fast food restaurants and other stores having a tip option pop up when I’m paying. Well, I haven’t been served in any way, and in fact, I’ve done all the work for you. Sure, it’s easy to skip past leaving any tip, but you feel kind of bad doing so. At a fast food place, does that mean they’ll do something to your food or not prepare it to the highest of quality because you didn’t leave a little something extra?



I loathe all types of pay parking, even going extra distances to not pay. Some lots, where you’re forced to pay is just insulting, adding salt to the wound. This includes hospitals and schools, among other establishments. I also can’t stand going into a pay parking lot and all the spots are reserved, even though they remain empty.

Service and Processing Fees

All the behind-the-scene costs that can occur with a transaction are ridiculous. They can best be seen with airline and event tickets, which puts companies such as Air Canada and Ticketmaster near the top of my dislike list. It’s not just that fees are charged, it’s that the fees are so unbelievably exorbitant and absurd.


Speaking of airlines, I can’t believe the rates they charge for you to check a bag or sometimes to even carry one aboard the plane yourself. Sure, if you’re packing a few suitcases and other items, you should have to pay up, but we often travel with one or two bags for the entire four-person Sip Family. They should be paying us for being so considerate of others.

Luggage Fees

Medical/Dental/Vision Procedures and Items

Why some things, such as contacts and glasses, certain therapies, etc. are not fully covered – or sometimes even included – in medical plans is beyond my comprehension. As Mrs. Sip argues, these treatments can decrease more expensive costs in the future, but I guess medical plan providers hope you age out of their system by the time you really need coverage.


Frankly, I think this act should be illegal. It’s exploitation and if you’re in a rush to use the facilities, say for yourself or with a young child, who has time to fumble around for payment. In a similar vein, but at least you can access a washroom in an emergency, is situations where a bathroom attendant waits near an exit to collect money after you’ve used a facility. And you have to wonder what exactly this attendant does, because every bathroom I’ve encountered with this set up is typically amongst the filthiest I’ve ever seen.

Bags at Stores and Restaurants

At some grocery stores and fast food restaurants in my neck of the woods, you can be charged for a paper bag for groceries and take out orders. I refuse to pay 25 cents for a bag I’m going to immediately recycle, so I’ve often carried my items out, which can look odd. Ah, the price I’ll pay to not pay!

Cocktail Corner: She’s Paying

She's Paying

  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 1 oz Coffee Liqueur
  • 0.5 oz Orange Liqueur
  • 0.25 oz Amaretto
  • Garnish with Money!

One last item I hate paying for is sex. Fellas, whether we like it or not, we’re all paying for sex in one way or another, even if you’re not going the hired companion route!

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