Cocktail Corner – Money Maker

One of the greatest thrills in life is finding money. Sure, that means someone else has carelessly lost that same cash, but let’s celebrate the wins, rather than the losses. Here are some of the Sip Advisor’s memorable stories of coming into money:

Toy Story

When I was younger, I collected pro wrestling action figures. This led to many trips to toy stores, particularly when travelling in the U.S., where more variety was available. Anyhoo, on one shopping stop at KB Toys, as I went to pay for my haul, what did I find in the impulse bins by the cash register, but a crisp $20 bill. I had to retrieve the money in covert fashion, so as not to alert the cashier to it. Yes, a teenager Sip Advisor was already quite crafty.

Winner, Winner, Chicken Nugget Dinner

On my first adult trip to Las Vegas, I had just cleaned up pretty well at the electronic poker machine – you know, up a whole $60 because I’m the highest of rollers! – and on my walk back to our room to grab a drink, I happened across a $20 bill, just lying there in the middle of the hall. With currency conversion, finding American money was like winning the lottery.

Found Money

A Walk to (Sort Of) Remember

There’s nothing better than a fun night out with friends… until you find some cash on your walk home. Sure, it was only a fiver, but I celebrated the occasion like I’d won a sports championship. After all, that covered half of one of my brews (thanks Vancouver pricing!). This was among many great memories that came from the time in our lives when Jimmy’s Taphouse was our preferred local watering hole.

Yacht Clubbing

Friends of ours were members of the Vancouver Yacht Club when we were all living wonderful childless lives. As we partied one night, I stumbled across a bill sitting on the ground, but this was no ordinary piece of currency. No, it was 20 Swiss Francs, which translated into $50 Canadian when I went to exchange it. This was a fantastic way to end one of our many evenings along the water.

Cocktail Corner: Money Maker

Money Maker

  • 1.5 oz Gin
  • 0.5 oz Orange Liqueur
  • 0.25 oz Limoncello
  • Garnish with a Maraschino Cherry

I once thought the Sipplings would never get to experience the high of finding money, what with the general elimination of cash and coins, but we have found the odd nickel, dime or quarter when out and about. What are some of your memorable found money moments?

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